Ops Consulting for Restaurants


RDMS is comprised of “restaurant people” – operators with real-world experience in driving both profitability AND guest satisfaction. We can work with you to solve any problem, both financial and operationally.

Sample Of Consulting Solutions We Provide

  • Pro Forma Development for Business Plans

  • Pre-opening Budget & Variance Analysis

  • Lease Reviews

  • Multi-Unit Above Store Management Systems

  • Executive Team Accountability Systems

  • Sales and Labor Forecasting Strategies

  • Annual Budget Development

  • POS Evaluations

  • Tech Stack Ideation & Integration

  • Sidework & Deep Cleaning Program Development

  • Menu Profitability & Optimization

  • Recipe Costing Solutions

  • Order Guides & Policies

Let us help you develop actionable plans to handle any situation you are facing.

All Restaurants Deal With Similar Issues

  • Delivery programs have uprooted traditional standards

  • Restrictions on dining capacity mean you can’t cover your overhead

  • Labor rates and staffing schedules make prime cost unmanageable

  • Vendor price changes and terms are only getting more difficult to manage.

  • To many delivery programs make profitability unknown until its to late

  • Adjusting to ghost kitchen concepts putting a strain on food cost

  • POS system isn’t up to par with the new models being under taken – what should I replace it with?

Most clients are so busy with the daily grind that its hard to identify where to even start or how to prioritize. We specialize in identifying issues AND implementing solutions.

Contact Us

We have cut our teeth in various successful operations and can help you implement controls & identify opportunities for profitability. We understand that this business is tough, always changing, and often a fresh set of eyes is exactly what you may need.